Evaluating the impacts of cannabis legalization: the International Cannabis Policy Study.
Hammond D, Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Rynard V, Boudreau C, Hall W. International Journal of Drug Policy 2020; 77:102698.
Evaluating the impacts of cannabis legalization: the International Cannabis Policy Study.
Hammond D, Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Rynard V, Boudreau C, Hall W. International Journal of Drug Policy 2020; 77:102698.
Sikorski C, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D. Substance Use & Misuse 2021; 56(4):449-457.
Methods to assess cannabis consumption in population surveys: results of cognitive interviewing.
Goodman S, Leos Toro C, Hammond D. Qualitative Health Research 2019;29(10):1474-1482.