National Reports
View the 2023 ICPS national report for Canada with data from 2018-2023. Reports for previous years are available upon request.
View the 2023 ICPS national report for the United States with data from 2018-2023. Reports for previous years are available upon request.
View the 2021 ICPS national report for Australia.
A 2021 report on factors associated with illicit cannabis purchases in Canada after ‘recreational’ cannabis legalization.
In Press
Rundle S, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 2024; In Press
Use of cannabis for mental health in the Canadian territories: A cross sectional study.
Schwartz N, Poon T, Hammond D, Hobin E.
Substance Use and Misuse 2024; Sep 29:1-9.
Schwartz N, Poon T, Hammond D, Hobin E.
Health Education Research 2024; Jun 21:cyae021. DOI: 10.1093/her/cyae021. Epub ahead of print.
Hobin E, Schwarz N, Poon T, Hammond D.
Canadian Journal of Public Health 2024; 115(4):628-638.
Canada’s THC Unit: Applications for the Legal Cannabis Market.
Wood S, Gabrys R, Freeman T, Hammond D. Canada’s THC Unit: Applications for the Legal Cannabis Market.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2024; 128: 104457.
Bhatia D, Sakai J, Reddy S, Mikulich S, Hammond D.
Obstetrics & Gynecology 2024; 144(2):156-159.
Marquette A, Iraniparast M, Hammond D.
British Medical Journal Open 2024; 14(1):e077908.
Fataar F, Driezen P, Owusu-Bempah A, Hammond D.
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 2024; Jan 8: 1-20. [Epub ahead of print]
Distribution of legal retail cannabis stores in Canada by neighbourhood deprivation.
Fataar F, Driezen P, Owusu-Bempah A, Hammond D.
Journal of Cannabis Research 2024; 6(1):5.
Social norms for cannabis use following non-medical legalization in Canada.
Winfield-Ward L, Hammond D.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023; S0749-3797(23)00513-5.
D’Mello K, Chan GCK, Hall W, Rychert M, Wilkins C, Hammond D.
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2023; 49(5): 640-651.
Fataar F, Driezen P, Owusu-Bempah A, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Review 2023; 42(6):1534-1546.
Hobin EP, Weerasinghe A, Boniface S, Englund A, Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Journal of Psychopharmacology 2023; 37(5):462.
Wadsworth E, Rynard V, Driezen P, Freeman TP, Rychert M, Wilkins C, Hall W, Gabrys R, Hammond D.
Harm Reduction Journal 2023; 20(1): 19.
Chu A, Chaiton M, Kaufman P, Goodwin R, Lin J, Hindocha C, Goodman S, Hammond D.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023; 20(5): 4206.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Dilley JA, Gabrys R, Jesseman R, Hammond D.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2023; 84(6):852-862.
Lineham J, Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Review 2023; 42(5):1142-1152.
Wadsworth E, Fataar F, Goodman S, Smith D, Renard J, Gabrys R, Jesseman R, Hammond D.
BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1):2048.
Trends and socio-demographic differences of cannabis vaping in the USA and Canada.
Lim C, Chan G, Wadsworth E, Stjepanović D, Chiu V, Cung JYC, Sun T, Conor J, Leung J, Gartner C, Hall W, Hammond D.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(21):14394.
Home cannabis cultivation in the United States and differences by state-level policy, 2019-2020.
Wadsworth E, Schauer GL, Hammond D.
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2022; 48(6):701-711.
Self-reported impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cannabis use in Canada and the United States.
Wadsworth E, Goodman S, Hammond D.
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2022; 55(4):483-492.
Hammond D, Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Freeman TP, Kilmer B, Schauer G, Pacula RL, Hall W.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2022;105:103716.
Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2022; 83(3):392-401.
Home cultivation across Canadian provinces after cannabis legalization.
Wadsworth E, Cristiano N, Pacheco K, Jesseman R, Hammond D.
Addictive Behaviors Reports 2022; 15:100423.
Goodman S, Hammond D.
Journal of Cannabis Research 2022; 4(1):17.
Driezen P, Kaufman P, Chaiton M, Goodman S, Hammond D.
Preventive Medicine 2022;157:107006.
Prices and purchase sources for dried cannabis flower in the United States, 2019-2020.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Pacula RL, Kilmer B, Hammond D.
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2022; 8(5):923-932.
Goodman S, Hammond D.
Health Education Research 2022; 37(2):61-78.
Wadsworth E, Hines LA, Hammond D.
Substance Abuse 2022; 43(1):943-948.
Rup J, Freeman T, Perlman CP, Hammond D.
Substance Use & Misuse 2022; 57(5):719-729.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Chan G, Hall W, Hammond D.
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2022;48(2):195-205.
Use and perceptions of cannabidiol (CBD) products in Canada and the USA.
Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Schauer G, Hammond D.
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2022; 7(3):355-364.
Prevalence and self-reported reasons of cannabis use for medical purposes in USA and Canada.
Leung J, Chan G, Stjepanović D, Chung JYC, Hall W, Hammond D.
Psychopharmacology 2022; 239(5): 1509-1519.
Goodman S, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D.
Substance Use & Misuse 2022;57(4):569-580.
Cannabis flower prices and transitions to legal sources after legalization in Canada, 2019-2020.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Pacula RL, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2022; 231:109262.
Goodman S, Rynard VL, Iraniparast M, Hammond D.
Preventive Medicine 2021; 153:106788.
Noticing of cannabis health warning labels in Canada and the US.
Goodman S, Hammond D.
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice 2021; 41(7/8):201-210.
Retail availability and legal purchases of dried flower in Canada post-legalization.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence; 2021; 225:108794.
Rup J, Freeman T, Perlman C, Hammond D.
Addictive Behaviors; 2021; 121:106991.
Lensch T, Sloan K, Ausmus J, Pearson J, Clements-Nolle K, Goodman S, Hammond D.
Preventive Medicine 2020; 141:106320
Hammond D, Goodman S.
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2020; 7(3):345-354.
Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines: adherence in Canada and the U.S.
Goodman S, Fischer B, Hammond D.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2020; 59(6):e211−e220.
Consumer perceptions of ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ cannabis in US states with legal cannabis sales.
Fataar F, Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Addictive Behaviors 2020; 112:106563.
Does unit-dose packaging influence understanding of serving size information for cannabis edibles?
Goodman S, Hammond D.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs 2020;81(2):173-179.
Rup J, Goodman S, Hammond D.
Preventive Medicine 2020; 133:106013.
Evaluating the impacts of cannabis legalization: the International Cannabis Policy Study.
Hammond D, Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Rynard V, Boudreau C, Hall W.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2020; 77:102698.
Prevalence and forms of cannabis use in legal vs. illegal recreational cannabis markets.
Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Leos Toro C, Hammond D.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2020; 67:102658.
Wadsworth E, Dreizen P, Goodman S, Hammond D.
Addiction Research & Theory 2020; 28(6):474-483.
The impact of plain packaging and health warnings on consumer appeal of cannabis products.
Goodman S, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2019; Dec 1; 205:107633.
Out-of-state cannabis purchases in the United States.
Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2019; 207:107822.
Related publications
A systematic review of cannabis health warning research.
Massey ZB, Hammond D, Froeliger B.
Preventive medicine reports 2024; 37: doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102573. [Epub ahead of print]
Lemos MK, Taylor E, Wadsworth E, Reid JL, Hammond D, East K.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2023; 250:110904.
Wadsworth E, Craft S, Calder R, Hammond D.
Addictive Behaviors 2022; 179:107258.
Sikorski C, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D.
Substance Use & Misuse 2021; 56(4):449-457.
Prevalence and modes of cannabis use among youth in Canada, England, and the US, 2017 to 2019.
Hammond D, Wadsworth E, Reid JL, Burkhalter R.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021; 219: 108505.
Hammond D.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2021; 91:102509.
Leos-Toro C, Fong GT, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Review 2021; 4: 637-646.
Lee CR, Lee A, Goodman S, Hammond D, Fischer B.
Preventive Medicine Reports 2020;20:101187.
Cannabis health knowledge and risk perceptions among Canadian youth and young adults.
Leos-Toro C, Fong FT, Meyer S, Hammond D.
Harm Reduction Journal; 2020;17:54.
Methods to assess cannabis consumption in population surveys: results of cognitive interviewing.
Goodman S, Leos Toro C, Hammond D.
Qualitative Health Research 2019;29(10):1474-1482.
Cannabis labelling and consumer understanding of THC levels and serving sizes.
Leos-Toro C, Fong GT, Meyer S, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2020; 208:107843.
Risk perceptions of cannabis vs. alcohol-impaired driving among Canadian young people.
Goodman S, Leos Toro C, Hammond D.
Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 2020;27(3): 205-212.
Leos-Toro C, Fong GT, Meyer SB, Hammond D.
International Journal of Drug Policy 2019;73:24-31.
Retail price and availability of illicit cannabis in Canada.
Mahamad S, Hammond D.
Addictive Behaviours 2019;90:402-408.
Mental health and medical cannabis use among youth and young adults in Canada.
Wadsworth E, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D.
Substance Use and Misuse 2019: 55(4):582-589.
Wadsworth E, Hammond D.
Drug and Alcohol Review 2018; 37(7):903-911.
Hammond D, Goodman S, Hobin E.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2021; 80(1): 1948254.